Sunday, May 26, 2013

Running Shoes: "Industrial Strength, Please."

Google Search Entry #1:  Shoes for heavy runners
Search Results:  Lot's of articles on people who run a lot.  Like, a lot a lot.

Google Search Entry #2: Shoes for fat runners (sigh)
Search results:  3 articles by "experts" that say we are all flat footed and over pronators.  And yes, we know we need to lose weight to minimize the impact on our bodies, thank you for that.

This is how much padding I was thinking would be necessary!

Case in point:

However, I am finding I glean the most information from the comments after the article.  I find I also get a fair amount of new knowledge reading "real people" forums.  You have to read a little more, but you can usually find some real life larger runners and see what works best for them.   The best advice everyone gives is going to be fitted at a proper running shoe store.  I have yet to do this 'cuz, I live in a very small town and needed shoes asap to start training.  I will however, be doing this for round two of shoe buying! 

I chose a pair a Brooks.  I really like them so far and feel they provide padding where I need them.  I also bought a pair of Asics Gel Kayano's which I use as my everyday non running shoe and I love them.

My Brooks and a stopwatch!
Forums/articles to check out regarding shoes heavy/larger runners: (this one has many of the shoes recommended that I have seen in many real people forums) (this is for their shoes, but actually gives some good info and I'll be checking them out too.)

I take great care to protect my feet and make sure I stretch them before and after a run.  I have trouble with plantar fasciitis in my left foot, activated prior to running (a 4 hour barefoot awards banquet dance for everything but my feet).   If my feet hurt after a run I ice and roll.  Fill a plastic water bottle with water and freeze.  It's great for rolling tired, sore feet over and the ice helps with inflammation. 

I have read of other heavy runners having trouble at the shoe store with staff not wanting to sell them running shoes.  They point them instead to walkers.  I went right in an said, "I have challenged myself to running a half marathon.  I am a big girl, so I need maximum support.  Which do you suggest?"    Be confident.  It doesn't leave room for their nonsense!


  1. I hope it is OK for the first comment to be from Daddy. I have to be maudlin and say that I am so proud of you for taking this tremendous step. We all have dreams of something big we would like to accomplish (even the “perfect” skinny people). The hardest part for anyone is to turn that thought about a dream into an actionable reality. Well, maybe that is the second hardest part. The first hardest part is working on it day after day after day, even once you realize the ultimate fulfillment of that dream is a good ways off. Everyone struggles especially hard with that difficulty. In the last few months you have gone a very long way toward making your dream a true reality. I congratulate and admire you! And, it is just so typically you to also take the time to initiate a blog to help other people with the same hurdles to overcome. I am proud of you in so many ways!

    1. Thanks Dad! This means a lot to me! You are so right that it takes a lot of gumption, skinny or not, to begin the journey towards fitness and achieving one's dreams. This has all been such a grand lesson to me and I hope I can help someone else realize how awesome that feels as well! Love you.
