Sunday, July 7, 2013

Finding Nemo

My first memories of swimming were in the municipal pools in Irving, Texas.  I remember my grandma teaching me how to dive into the water.   I don't think I ever had swim lessons, for we were too poor for that.   So my knowledge of swimming consisted of doing cannon balls, singing under water, and trying to hold my breath from one end of the pool to the other.  

So as I mentioned earlier in the blog, swimming kicked my ass. I have now been going for a month and it's still kicking my ass, only a little less.  With no formal training in proper swimming technique, I have my work cut out for me.  I have spent Friday nights glued to YouTube videos on Freestyle swimming techniques.  I go to the pool the next day and practice those.   I swim the length of the pool, proud that I am doing better, but still out of breath and panting.   I envy the other swimmers that can swim a length, do the fancy underwater turn, and swim another length and do the fancy turn...repeat 30 times.

I swim, pant, swim, pant.  

But lately I have gotten to swim, swim, pant.  And my form is getting better.  And my legs, back, arms, and stomach are all stronger.  And I've lost more weight.  All of which is forward movement!  

Me at the pool.

My goal is to do a Sprint Triathlon next spring.  This usually consist of a 1/2 mile swim.  I have done the calculations and for the pool you see behind me in the picture, I have to swim back and forth 32 times to reach that distance.  32 TIMES.   I got some work to do, but I'm excited for the challenge.

My new swimming Goddess = Karlyn Pipes-Neilson.  I wish to, one day, swim like her.  I'm pretty sure she's actually a fish in human clothing.

Here's the links to her videos that I have found very helpful:

Technique 1:

Technique 2:

Technique 3:

Technique 4:

Technique 5:

Bathing Suit
I will make it know that I finally don't feel terribly self conscious in a bathing suit.  I just swam laps or aqua jogged (I'll post later on this) for an hour. And anyone that was in the pool with me would know that I am working on losing these rolls under the suit.

Pool House Nudity
Ok, so swimming has it's hazards.  Chlorine hair, water in your ears, etc.  But the one I find most alarming is public nudity in the gym locker room.  Though I may be comfortable in my bathing suit, you will NEVER see me naked in the locker room.  I grew up WAY to modest for such things.  Other people's nudity doesn't really bother me, but having to pretend that everything is cool and that I am ok with their NAKEDNESS, while holding a conversation with them is something that I haven't gotten used to yet.   I think it may be less awkward for everyone if I was naked too, but that's not gonna happen. 

Dr. Downer, the Goddess Healer, and a Diagnosis

So if anyone has been wondering, yes, I am still here.  Remiss in my blogging, for sure, but in my journey, no.

However, I still can't run.

After the chiropractor visit not working out, I hobbled around for another several days before I gave in and made a Podiatrist appointment.    A week later, I find out that I indeed have a bone spur from chronic plantar fasciitis in my left foot.  He gives me an orthotic and some stretching exercise to do and sends me on my way with a "come back in 3 weeks."  The topper?  He tells me that anyone close to 40 years old should not run and that I should find another fitness activity to pursue. 

Ummmm. No.

So I scoured the internet for alternative methods of healing for this darn plantar fascia and have some success with feeling better.  I also wore the orthotic for one half day, but after experiencing knee and hip pain from them (which I normally don't have), they came out of my shoes for good.  

My stupid orthotics.  I really love the "custom" touches.

Fast forward another week and an attempt to test a tiny amount of running, on the soft grass, at the park with my dog.  OUCH!   It's been almost a month and a half since I have been able to run and my foot STILL hurts.  I limped home.

I've had it!   I made an appointment at the local Sports Medicine Center and 3 days later met with my new found Goddess.  Dr. Schafer is the shanizzle.   She rolled her eyes at what the other doctor said  and proceeded to perform all kinds of fancy examine activities.   Ruling:  lots of stuff wrong with the foot.  Sure there's the pesky plantar fascia, but also the Achilles tendon bone spur and a possible stress fracture, weak muscles and several tendon-itis'.

But get this.  The injury came probably not from running, but from a marathon dance session at a work function, all done barefoot.   Oops.   The hazards of liquid courage (vodka) and a love of dance.

I seriously don't drink a lot, but a week long business trip warrants some stress relief.  

Up next, an MRI and then hopefully and finally, some healing advice.

But still no running.   For now.